
Monday, December 30, 2013

Scouts and Girl Guides

This fall Eva was invited to Brownies by a friend, and she LOVED it from day one. She learned the Brownie motto and promise, and comes home each week smiling from ear to ear while singing the song of the evening. We joined late (mid November) since it was a Brownie Halloween Party that she had been invited to by her friend; yet she was there in enough time to still be a part of the welcoming ceremony. I must admit, I got a little choked up watching her perform the very same ceremony that I participated in as a Brownie myself several years back! Then, to our surprise, as we were leaving the ceremony, the Wise Owl walked over to use with three crates of cookies to sell! Eva was very excited and got straight to work the next day.

There is a school across the tracks form us, and many people walk by after school. So Eva set up camp, with signs and blankets.

Theo joined in on the fun, by making a sign, and attaching it to his body. He then walked to the corner of our block, trying to persuade any passersby to come buy cookies! She went door to door in the freezing temperature. I had to laugh because one of the guide lines for selling cookies is to wear your uniform- yet usually the cookies are sold in September and late spring, when the weather is warmer. We posted a plea on Facebook, to see if there were any friends who were interested in buying cookies. To our surprise and delight some friends from London decided to buy 4 boxes, with the requirement that Eva make some lovely cards, and think of 4 people who could use a little extra love in the form of cookies. It was such a wonderful project for us all to participate in. Eva again got straight to work, making some lovely cards. Then she took the time to visit with each of the people who received a box of cookies all of whom were elderly. It was a beautiful sight to see, and something that she will remember forever. 

Theo was feeling left out of all the fun, and asked if he could join Scouts. We visited several different Scouts units in Richmond and were not able to find a good fit. Then I remembered one of my students from last year, who attended one in Ladner that was for Home Learners- put on during the day. We check it out, and were delighted to learn that Eva (and Kezia once she's 5) can attend as well. Here is Theo in his new Scouts shirt, reading up on all the badges that he plans to conquer!

Theo and Kezia painting the bird house that they made.

Eva coloured a cute page, for her Brownies binder.

At one of their first meetings of Scouts/Guides, Theo learned how to sew. Apparently, he's a natural! I'll have to give my mom credit for that gene!

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